Prof. Frank Ortmeier


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Ortmeier

Faculty of Computer Science (FIN)
Chair of Software Engineering (CSE)
Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg, G29-404   vCard

Since 2013, I have been head of the "Chair of Software Engineering (CSE)" at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Before that, I was an adjunct professor for "Computer Systems in Engineering" and a post-doc at the University of Augsburg. I currently lead several research projects, coordinate the Bachelor's program "Computer Engineering" and the Master's program "Digital Engineering" and am a founding member of the university's Competence Center for Digital Engineering, Management and Operations.

The central theme of my research is harnessing advances in computer science for engineering applications - with a particular focus on methods from software engineering, formal specification techniques and robotics. The lack of efficiency in developing new, reliable software for almost all areas of engineering is, in my opinion, the biggest obstacle to new innovation. In recent years, many new ideas from software engineering research have already found their way into industrial practice for "mainstream" IT applications. At the same time, the development processes, languages and paradigms for robotics, automotive systems or production automation have not changed significantly. As a result, software development and maintenance costs are exploding and software often becomes a risk factor in engineering. This is particularly important as many new innovations in engineering, manufacturing or even the products themselves are based on intelligent IT.

Main research areas:

  • Software engineering for technical applications and embedded systems
  • Model-based approaches for software-intensive systems
  • Self-organization as a new programming paradigm
  • Systems Engineering
  • Design and analysis of highly safety critical applications
  • Techniques for designing an integrated view on dependability covering various facets like safety, reliability, security, transparency and user-trust


Current information on courses can be found under the navigation point "Teaching". In general, my courses deal with the following topics:

  • Software Engineering
  • Clean Code Development
  • Software Engineering for technical applications
  • Software develpoment for industrial robotics
  • Specification methods and model-based approaches
  • Safety critical Systems
  • Mobile devices

Current activities and projects (extract):

  • Project: VIP-MoBaSA – „Validation of model-based approaches for dependable systems“
  • Project: ProMoSA – „Probabilistic Models for Safety Analysis“
  • Project: ViERforES – „Virtuelle und Erweiterte Realitaeten für höchste Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von Eingebetteten Systemen“
  • Project: TDL – "Trajectory Description Language"
  • Member of the EWICS TC 7: The European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, Technical Committee 7, Safety, Reliability and Security
  • Member of the „Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering“
  • General Chair and PC Chair of SAFECOMP2012
  • Speaker of the regional subgroup "Saxony-Anhalt" of the "Gesellschaft für Informatik"
  • Organizer of the workshop "Software Engineering for mechatronical systems" (2007 and 2008)
  • Tutorials on model-based safety analysis at the SAFECOMP conference (2008 and 2009)
  • Reviewer and PC member for various international conferences and journals

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