Marcus Augustine

Marcus Augustine

Faculty of Computer Science (FIN)
Chair of Software Engineering (CSE)

Note: This page is outdated and obsolete, its contents remains here for historical purposes only.

I studied computer science at the University of Augsburg and Technical University Munich (TUM) and graduated 2012 with a Master’s degree. The focus of my studies was on Software-Engineering and Robotics & Artificial Intelligence. My thesis was a joint collaboration with DLR (German Aerospace Center, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and TUM about the „Design of  Biologically Inspired Topological Maps for Robot Navigation“. During my studies I collected quite some field experience in projects working as a corporate student in companies including Porsche, BMW and OSRAM.

After successfully finishing my studies, now I pursue my PhD in robotics at the OvGU.

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