Michael Lipaczewski

Michael Lipaczewski

Faculty of Computer Science (FIN)
Chair of Software Engineering (CSE)

Note: This page is outdated and obsolete, its contents remains here for historical purposes only.

I have studied computer science at the university of Magdeburg from 2005 until 2011. In this time, i have made some practical experience at Cassidian, former known as EADS Defense&Security GmbH, in Friedrichshafen. There i have accomplished my practical term as well as my student research project and my diploma thesis.

Since 1st of June 2011 i am working now for the CSE. Since then, my responsibilities includes but are not limited to:

  • VECS Project Management
  • VIP Project Management
  • Safecomp 2012 Organisation
  • IMBSA 2014 Organisation
  • Supporting lectures (Software Engineering, Spezifikationstechnik, Clean Code Development, etc.)
  • general work-group management

Last Modification: 26.09.2023 - Contact Person: Webmaster