
Press release: First graduate of the Digital Engineering Master's program receives research contract at the Faculty of Computer Science

Magdeburg. Ludwig Bedau is the first graduate of the "Master Digital Engineering" postgraduate course at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. At the graduation ceremony, he said that he was particularly impressed by the broad, cross-faculty course selection. At the Center for Digital Engineering cedemo, where Bedau spent the last four semesters, this had recently been broadened once again: the compulsory elective courses, which make up the majority of the Master's degree, had been supplemented by modules for professionals. These should also enable professionals to acquire certificates in the blended learning model during their professional career and thus broaden their academic base even further with an advanced Master's degree.

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Exam review Software Engineering and programming paradigms

The inspection of the exams of Software Engineering from 16.07.2015 and of Programming Paradigms from 31.07.2015 will take place on 18.08.2015 from 13-15 o'clock in G29-321.

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Presentation by Prof. Nikos A. Aspragathos

Prof. Nikos A. Aspragathos from the robotics group of the Mechanical University of Patras, Greece, will give a lecture on "Intelligent planning and control for robot motion and dexterous manipulation" on July 6, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in G29-301.

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Doctoral colloquium by Sergey Alatartsev on 7.7.2015

On Tuesday, July 7, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. in Building 29, Room 301, the doctoral colloquium for obtaining the academic degree DOKTORINGENIEUR (Dr.-Ing.) of Mr. Sergey Alatartsev (Diplom-Ingenieur), doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Computer Science, Institute of Distributed Systems, will take place.

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SpezTech lecture canceled

Unfortunately, the specification technology lecture on Thursday, June 18, 2015 has to be canceled. It will be made up for in the exercise on Tuesday 23.06.2015. Exercise and lecture will take place together on this day. Exercise sheet 11 will be worked on and the summary from 11.06. will be presented.

Lectures will then take place as normal on Thursday.

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Bachelor defense Ben Rabeler

On 02.06.2015, Mr. Ben Rabeler successfully defended his bachelor thesis on the topic "Abstraction of continuous behavior for model-based safety analysis".

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Guest lecture on 9.6.2015

We are pleased to announce Mr. Kai Spichale for the lecture Software Engineering on 9.6.2015. Mr. Spichale is a software architect at Adesso AG and will give a talk on software erosion as part of the Software Engineering lecture. Not only best and worst programming practices in software development will be presented and discussed, but also metrics and measures to avoid software erosion.

Software erosion refers to the gradual deterioration of existing software, such as the increasing decline in performance, difficulties in adaptability or an increase due to the accumulation of program errors, as well as incompatibilities with new and future software environments. In the medium term, the once clean software solution becomes a collection of individual solutions and, in the long term, a legacy system and therefore unusable.

Unfortunately, software erosion is not an exception, but affects many projects. This is because almost every software change leads to an increase in complexity. It is therefore important to regularly improve the code through targeted refactoring measures. Software metrics and coding rules help to identify the relevant areas. Various tools exist for defining and checking module boundaries. The regular comparison between planned architecture and implementation helps to maintain the quality and maintainability of a code base in the long term.

Interested parties are cordially invited.

Where? G29 -  R307

When? 11 - 13 Uhr

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Cancellation of specification technology lecture on 07.05.

The lecture Specification Technology on 07.05.2015 from 9-11 a.m. by Prof. Ortmeier is canceled due to illness.

The lecture will be made up for the next exercise.

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cedemo at the Cyber Data Sovereignty Innovation Forum

The university center cedemo, an initiative of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, officially presented itself to a broad specialist audience from industry, trade and science for the first time at the Cyber Data Sovereignty Innovation Forum on April 15 and 16.

At the presentation, further training was emphasized as a key challenge for the future of digital engineering. This can only be successfully marketed if current research and the networking of international, interdisciplinary knowledge pools are combined with tailored further training courses for the Industry 4.0 sector. To this end, the University of Magdeburg and the IFF have created cedemo, an instrument that is unique in Germany in its ability to network and utilize the expertise available in Magdeburg. The comprehensive knowledge of the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, the Institute for Automation and Communication ifak e.V. and the SAP University Competence Center in this area complements the bundled expertise at the competence center.

All information about cedemo is available at, contact or 0391-67 57 007.


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Room plan

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