Welcome to the website of the Chair of Software & Systems Engineering

Computer science is becoming increasingly important for technical applications. For example, software now accounts for up to 45 % of the development costs of modern cars. Many serious catastrophes in the aerospace industry have their causes in software errors (such as the recent Airbus crashes in Amsterdam and Puerto Plata or the explosion of the Ariane 5 rocket). New innovations and functions (e.g. in digital cameras and image processing) are often merely software improvements instead of hardware upgrades. The research focus of the Chair of Software & Systems Engineering is to harness advances in computer science for engineering applications.

Our research is strongly interdisciplinary. In most research projects, we try to find partners from industry in order to evaluate the practicability and usefulness of new methods at an early stage. At the same time, our industrial partners can also benefit by gaining a competitive advantage. We have also made the experience that even in basic research, a frequent exchange of experience with users from practice is very beneficial for both sides. For students, we always offer a wide range of jobs, bachelor's or master's theses. For our industrial partners, we act as an interface for new technologies, offer innovation management and can also arrange internships. If you share our view of computer science as an enabler technology for many engineering topics, or if you are looking for a scientific partner or a topic for a thesis, we cordially invite you to a personal interview.

Last Modification: 04.03.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster