PhD Defense Marco Filax
Marco Filax successfully defended his PhD with the title "Fine-Grained Open-World Recognition: Identifying Retail Products in Supermarkets". Congratulations on the excellent work!
Safetrain in Magdeburg
The Chair of Software and Systems Engineering recently hosted a meeting for the Safetrain project consortium in Magdeburg. Over two days, our partners from Siemens, the Fraunhofer Institute, Bridgefield, and others, engaged in focused discussions. The agenda included detailed presentations and workshops, primarily centered on reviewing the project's current progress.
We extend our thanks to all attendees for their participation and contributions. Your presence in Magdeburg was greatly valued. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you again in the near future.
WS 24: Prüfung Spezifikationstechnik
Es wird im Wintersemester 2024 zwei Prüfungsslots für mündliche Prüfungen im Fach Spezifikationstechnik geben.
Diese sind am Mittwoch, den 30.01.2024 und am Donnerstag, den 31.01.2024. Jeweils von 8.30Uhr bis 11Uhr. Bis zum 7.12.2023 wird für die Anmeldung über das LSF möglich sein..
Der letztendliche Prüfungstermin wird Ihnen dann nach der endgültigen Frist zugeteilt.
Bei Fragen können Sie sich gern an Frau Rulf oder Tim Gonschorek wenden.
New website launched
We are pleased to announce that the new website of our chair, accessible at, has been launched. This replaces our old website, which was available at
"Productive Teaming" at the 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium 2023
The 60th Ilmenau Scientific Colloquium (ISC) is just around the corner and promises to be a successful event again this year. The renowned conference will take place from 4th to 8th September on the campus of Ilmenau University of Technology and will bring together scientists from all over the world. Hosted by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Colloquium covers the breadth and depth of modern engineering and the increasing integration of other disciplines.
INDIN 2023 Best Paper Award
Our joint paper with ABB on „Measuring the robustness of machinelearning models against data quality issues in industrial time series data“ presented at INDIN 2023 has received the Best Paper Award in the methods category. Congratulations to all authors!
Prof. Ortmeier at the Hannover Messe
Together with experts from the CHIM research and innovation network, the Fraunhofer IFF and the Digital Agency Saxony, Prof. Ortmeier discussed at the Hannover Messe how humans and machines can work together as teams in the future. On the Industrial Transformation Stage, the panelists explained how the vision of "productive teaming" of intelligent machines and human specialists. Productive teaming has a wide range of applications in manufacturing, including individualised medical products, small batch production and circular economy.
Students win the Bridgefield Award
At this year's Bridgefield Award, the two students Wiebke Outzen and Hannes Stützer achieved first and second place. Both works are in the subject area of model-based safety analysis of safety-critical systems.
3 years of research - EVOK closing event
Just in time for the first door of the Advent calendar, the EVOK project also opened its doors and invited everyone to a half-day event to mark the end of the project.
Kick-off event of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg
The new Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg with the participation of the chairs of Software Engineering (Prof. Frank Ortmeier), Data and Knowledge Engineering (Prof. Andreas Nürnberger) and Business Informatics I (Prof. Klaus Turowski) of the Faculty of Computer Science invites you to the official kick-off event on December 2, 2022 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Experimental Factory at Sandtorstraße 23 in Magdeburg. The event will open at 13:00 with a digital scavenger hunt. Participants will be taken on an interactive tour through Magdeburg's Port of Science.