
Participation in the regional conference in Hamburg

As part of the "Mittelstand 4.0 Kompetenzzentrum Magdeburg" project, we took part in the regional conference of the Hamburg Competence Center on January 24.

Under the motto "Digital Voraus", we were given an insight into the work of the center, visited its demonstrators and discussed topics such as "IT security" and "law" in the working groups. 

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Volkswagen cooperation for practice-oriented qualification in the field of engineering informatics

Software is increasingly permeating all areas of life. This also applies in particular to the automotive sector. All major manufacturers are facing upheaval in the wake of new mobility concepts.

This ranges from electromobility and autonomous driving to new usage concepts. These challenges require bright minds who can think in an interdisciplinary way, have the will to break new ground and are always willing to combine practical requirements and theoretical concepts to create pioneering innovations. With this in mind, Volkswagen and the Faculty of Computer Science at Otto von Guericke University have introduced a new practice-oriented study and qualification concept as a pilot project for the 2017/18 winter semester. An individual curriculum is put together for each student from the range of computer engineering subjects, which can be adapted as required during the course of their studies.

A unique feature of this cooperation is that each student is assigned a mentor duo consisting of a professor from OvGU and a manager from Volkswagen. During their studies, university courses and practical assignments in the specialist departments complement each other. 

This results in "synergetic effects of cooperation for both the university and Volkswagen," says Prof. Ortmeier. On the one hand, there is a direct transfer of knowledge from the university to the company. At the same time, the long-term cooperation also continuously brings new impulses and current research questions to the university. This mutual benefit is already so clear that Volkswagen intends to strategically roll out the pilot "practice-integrated studies" further and also establish it in other departments. "We are consistently aligning our training and degree course portfolio with the new digital requirements of the automotive industry. We are delighted that Otto von Guericke University is supporting us on this path with this new cooperation," says Andreas Strutz (Head of Training and Further Education at Volkswagen).


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Paper accepted for ASE doctoral symposium

Our paper "Towards API-specific Automatic Program Repair" by Sebastian Nielebock was accepted for presentation at the PhD Symposium of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).

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Digitalization: Saxony-Anhalt gets competence center

Saxony-Anhalt receives a federally funded competence center to help SMEs with the digital transformation.

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Guest lecture on 29.06.2017

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, there will be a guest lecture as part of the Specification Technology lecture.

Speaker: Dr. Marc Zeller (Siemens Model-based Reliability & Safety Engineering Lab)
Title: Fault Trees and Component Fault Tress in practical use
Location: G22A-111
Time: 09:15 a.m.

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Exam registration

Please do not forget to register for the Software Engineering and Programming Paradigms courses!

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Significant publication in "SIGNAL + DRAHT"

Our article "Efficient safety verification using model-based system analysis" was published in the current issue 06/2017 of the trade journal "SIGNAL+DRAHT" for signaling, communication and information technology in rail transport. In this article, we describe a procedure for safety analysis in development and approval processes for signaling and train protection technology. The aim is to realize the use of model-based, formal procedures and at the same time to reduce the effort for the use of these procedures to a level that is acceptable in practice. The article was developed in cooperation with the Thales Group and an independent expert. 

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Nadia Schillreff receives PhD scholarship

Nadia Schillreff will receive a graduate scholarship for her doctoral project at the Chair of Software Engineering from July 1, 2017. Congratulations to her!

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HackZurich 2017: September 15 - 17 in Zurich

HackZurich is Europe's largest hackathon and brings together 550 tech talents and creatives from a pool of over 4000 applicants from over 55 countries at Technopark Zurich to develop a web, mobile or desktop application in a 40-hour hackathon.

To register on

Download graphic material: 

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SIIT accepts first students from the University of Magdeburg

University of Magdeburg student Tilman Krokotsch has been accepted as an exchange student at the Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT) in Thailand for the 2017/18 winter semester.

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